(选自电影:《太空牛仔》) Can’t help falling in love (选自电影:《蓝色夏威夷》) What a wonderful world (选自电影:《马达加斯加》) Over the rainbow (选自电影:《初恋50次》) Singing in the rain (选自电影:《雨中曲》) Nothing’s gonna change my love for yo...
1. Yes, I Do ─ Mary Seethe Future 歌词强烈的意境描写恋人决定相守终身的那剎那如此的坚定,绝对是求婚时必放歌曲。 2.Could This Be Love -Victoria Acosta “Could this belove that I feel, So strong, so deep and so real, If I lost you would I everheal, Co...
日前,华纳音乐旗下“灵魂新锋”TIA袁娅维献声迪士尼首部华语真人爱情电影《假如王子睡着了》的电影插曲《Love’s In Your Eyes》,以绝美声线为这部即将于12月8日上映的温暖爱情电影再添...
I personally believe that either you are in love or you are not in love with a particular person or you may be in a process of knowing and understanding each other. English language offers a variety of words i.e. deep love, first love, true love( I...
让一道清热降燥的奶汤蒲菜,为夏天的炎热画上最后的句号。 Today, let's ease the warmth of the season with a bowl of refreshing cattail soup. 将准备好的蒲菜、青菜、鹌鹑蛋、木耳清洗干净。 Wash the prepared cattails, green vegetables, quail eggs, and wood...
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